Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Rico's Pizza

Hello and welcome back to another resturaunt reveiw. Today we will take a look at Rico's pizza. The resturaunt is a well known pizza chain, but this is my first time trying it as they took over one of our favorite pizza parlors.

Cleanliness: 3 stars
 The carpet was stained, the bathroom was DREADFUL  ant the kitchen was the sorriest mess you have ever seen. Now we can't knock them too hard for the restrooms as they share one with the Turlock poker parlor which leads to this problem.
Ugh, a corridor full of doors. I nearly walked into a place I shouldn't have been three times!

Food quality: 4 stars
The food was great  and filling, too filling I was stuffed after 2 slices so I'll be eating leftovers for a week, or not. The food is filling, but after a few minutes you are hungry again. That is the worst thing for a food to be. The food was very confusing and I walked out feeling like a cherry.

Customer service: 3 stars
 the cashiers where nice enough but they had a jukebox connected to the speaker system I was forced to listen to someone else's music.

Overall: 3 stars
The food was good but everything else was bad. That is all I can say. 

1 comment:

  1. You gave a very thoughtful review of this place Stuart. I appreciate how you voiced your thoughts without being negative.


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